Funny Three Word Poem With Friends

Friendship Poems

Free, rhyming friendship poems for cards, e-cards or to accompany a gift. Let your friends know how important they are in your life.

Thank you friend poems are popular, like this friendship message listing qualities you love in him or her.

Thank You, Friend

Thank you, friend, for all the things
That mean so much to me--
For concern and understanding
You give abundantly.

Thanks for listening with your heart;
For cheering me when I'm blue;
For bringing out the best in me;
And just for being you.

Thanks for in-depth conversation
That stimulates my brain;
For silly times we laugh out loud;
For things I can't explain.

For looking past my flaws and faults;
For all the time you spend;
For all the kind things that you do,
Thank you; thank you, friend.

By Joanna Fuchs

My Everything Friend

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad;
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad.

You're such a pleasure in my life;
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is;
You're a total joy to me.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Here's an encouraging, uplifting, supportive free verse friendship poem for someone who needs it.

Seagull sitting on rail against ocean background Friendship message: You are wonderful, one of a kind, uniquely valuable.

One of a Kind

You are wonderful, one of a kind,
uniquely valuable!
Right now, think of your positive qualities,
and things you can do better
than the average person can.

Always remember:
Your are smarter,
more capable,
and more significant
than you think you are.

By Joanna Fuchs

This friendship poem talks about how friends share burdens. It's a friend poem that creates a special bond.

Truly A Friend

Someone to lean on when problems appear,
Someone on whom you'd depend,
Someone who'll lift you when you're down in the dumps,
That someone is truly a friend.

That's how I feel about you my dear friend;
You're so special just as you are.
Just to know that you're there provides comfort to spare;
A friendship like yours sets the bar.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

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for permission details.

There are also friendship poems on the
Friend Valentine poems page.

Friendship poems can rhyme or be written in free verse, like this one, which is suitable for a best friend poem. Just add the word "best" in the first line.

Because you are my friend

Because you are my friend,
my life is enriched in a myriad of ways.
Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day,
like a ray of sunshine parting glowering clouds,
you lift me up.
In good times, we soar,
like weightless balloons
over neon rainbows.
In bad times, you are soothing balm
for my pummeled soul.
I learn so much from you;
you help me see old things in new ways.
I wonder if you are aware
of the bright seeds you are sowing in me.
I'm a better person for knowing you,
so that everyone I interact with
is touched by your good effect on me.
You relax me, refresh me, renew me.
Your bounteous heart envelops me
in joy and love and peace.
May your life be filled
with dazzling blessings,
just as I am blessed
by being your friend.

By Joanna Fuchs

This friendship verse is good advice for those seeking to acquire new friends.

Black background pink daylilies white text Be the kind of person you'd want for a friend

Friendship poetry can communicate feelings that are hard to speak aloud. Friendship poems like this one can express exactly what a friend means to you.

A Friend I Can Count On

When troubles come a callin'
As those gremlins often do,
And my spirit keeps on fallin'
Till I feel low down and blue…

When I look around for comfort,
Someone quickly jumps to mind,
One who always will support me,
And whose words are always kind.

Who will make my mood feel lighter,
Who'll help beat my troubles back,
He/She makes the sun shine brighter
And gets my spirit back on track.

Who helps the road seem straighter,
And helps me get around each bend,
Who makes each day seem greater,
And that someone is you, my friend.

By Joanna Fuchs

Our friendship poems can be altered to fit your needs. The following friendship poem can also be used as a best friend poem. Change the first line to: "My best friend, I'm glad I found you." Change the last line to "My very dear best friend." Then you'll have friendship poetry custom made for your friend.

My Treasured Friend

Treasured friend, I'm glad I found you;
Our friendship is a gift we share.
I can be myself around you,
Safe in your love and care.

I miss you when you're out of sight;
Our friendship bond was meant to be.
I think of you with great delight;
You're almost part of me.

Through fun and fears, play and tears,
We help each other heal and grow.
I prize our time--the days, the years,
More than you can know.

Just harmony for me and you,
The two of us--a perfect blend.
I'll cherish you my whole life through,
My dear and treasured friend.

By Joanna Fuchs

Friend poems should celebrate that special bond, as this free verse friendship poem does.

What Is A Friend?

A friend is someone always there
in the back of your mind,
providing feelings of comfort and security.
A friend is someone
who adds happy sparkle to your life,
joy, fun, a predictable creator of happiness.
A friend is a stormproof shelter
from life's challenges, troubles, uncertainties,
an unassailable bond overcoming any challenge,
strengthening the connection in the process.
You are all this and more, my friend.
Thank you.

By Joanna Fuchs

This friendship poem uses four of the five senses to describe a friend. It's a friend poem with a bit of everything for your friend.

A Friend Is Like...

A friend is like a forest,
Or a lovely, calm blue sea,
A refuge from life's problems,
As only a friend can be.

A friend is like a song,
Soothing to the brain,
Distracting us from trouble,
Neutralizing pain.

A friend is like some ice cream
On a sweltering summer day,
Making life delicious,
In a friend's own special way.

A friend is like a blanket,
Bringing peace and rest,
A cocoon of warmth and pleasure;
When we are tired or stressed.

A friend is a bit of everything
That makes life good and sweet,
And you, my friend, are all that;
You make my life complete!

By Joanna Fuchs

This best friend poem is perfect for a greeting card saying or with a friendship gift.

My Best Friend

My best friend would be
someone with whom I can share
ideas, laughs, troubles, fun,
my innermost thoughts,
things I tell no one else,
someone who listens
and really cares.
That is why
my best friend is you.

By Joanna Fuchs

A friendship poem can compare your friend to other good things in your life, as this free verse friend poem does.

Friendship Joy

You are a shelter
From life's frequent storm;
Like a comfortable blanket;
You keep me snug, safe and warm.

You're a light in the window
When everything's dark;
You're a trip to the circus,
A romp in the park.

Like a bright, sunny summer,
You are joy without end;
And I'm so very privileged
To call you my friend.

By Joanna Fuchs

A friend poem about how friendship makes life easier and better.


Together, my dear friend,
we smooth the rough edges of life,
creating a safe shelter,
to retreat from the chaos.

In that security, I can let "me" out.
My comforting companion,
I care about you as you care about me.
Together, we are each other's backup.

You are a gift from God.
I am grateful, and I love you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Friendship poems can communicate how a friend softens life's burdens, as this friend poem does.

Your Special Friendship

Whenever my life feels empty,
Those times when I feel a lack,
I thank God for your special friendship,
Because I know you've got my back.

When I wonder about life's true meaning,
And whether it all makes sense,
With a word or a smile from you, friend,
I forget my silly laments.

I guess what I'm trying to say, friend,
Is with all your support and your giving,
You brighten each minute I'm with you,
And make every day well worth living.

By Joanna Fuchs

Friendship poems describe what makes a good friend, as this best friend poem does.

We Are Friends

Whether the day is good or bad,
Whether I'm feeling happy or sad,
If I have a need, you'll comprehend;
You'll be there to share and be a friend.

Other people may fill my day,
But never in such an important way;
We support each other 'round all life's bends,
It feels so good that we are friends.

By Karl Fuchs

Short friendship poems are in demand, probably because they easily fit in a card or e-mail. This short friendship poem would be "pure delight" for a greeting card.

Pure Delight

It's such a pleasure and a joy
To have a friend like you.
You always care, you're always there,
You say the right things, too!

You make me smile when I am low
You're just a pure delight.
We talk a lot about everything;
You make my life so bright!

I hope that I am giving you
Some joy and happiness,
Because you mean so much to me,
More than I can express!

By Joanna Fuchs

Friendship poems can reveal a bit about the hard-to-explain qualities of the friendship bond, like this friend poem does.

My Giving Friend

We share so much of our lives
Our joy and also our pain.
Without you as my friend,
I just might go insane!

You know what I'm talking about;
You've been through big things, too.
Yet you cheer me when I'm happy,
You comfort me when I'm blue.

Your giving does not go unnoticed;
I'd be lost without you, friend.
What we have together
No one else can comprehend.

By Joanna Fuchs

This friend poem could be used for a friendship that is relatively new.

Friendship Duet

We meet new people every day;
Why we like some, who can say?
Maybe it's because they think like us;
It might be because they seldom fuss.

It's hard to know why closeness grows;
We like some better; that's how it goes.
I think you're special; I'm glad we met;
Let's keep having fun in our friendship duet.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Friendship poetry can describe why friendship is valuable, as this friend poem does. We hope you like our friendship poems!

The Power of Friends

Everyone knows of the power of friends,
The terrific result, when everything blends.
When people have friends, they don't stand alone;
Friends always help, when you face the unknown.

Friends give you courage to face problems untold,
So the love of a friend can help make you bold.
They can help you to live a much richer life,
So your every day living will be less filled with strife.

Thanks for being my friend!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

This friendship poem describes a true friend. It's a friend poem sure to be treasured by the recipient.

Dream Friend

I always dreamed someone swell would turn up,
Who'd consider my feelings routinely,
Who would share lots of stuff without being gruff,
And if they disagreed would not do it meanly.

Then you came along and my wishes came true;
You're a friend who I trust and I treasure.
You always give help and I know that you care;
You're my friend and it gives me great pleasure.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

This friend poem describes the comfort of knowing someone who's always got your back.

Forever Friends

I can always look to you, my friend,
Whenever life's problems abound.
It's great to know that you're there for me.
I feel good just to know you're around.

A friend is a jewel worth a fortune,
But is not just there for display.
A friend is more like a lighthouse,
When your boat has floated astray.

Friend, you are really important,
So right up until life ends,
I'll value your friendship like gold.
I hope we're forever friends

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Friendship Poem Prayer

This friendship poem is also a friendship prayer.

A Prayer for a Friend

Lord please give my treasured friend
Love and blessings without end.
Bring contentment in her life;
Comfort her in times of strife.

Always keep her safe, secure;
Let her path to You be sure.
Lord, I pray my friend will be
Close to you, eternally.

By Joanna Fuchs

Curious about the Christian religion? What is Christianity?
What is a Christian? What is Christian faith?
To see the answers and find out how to become a Christian,
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More Friendship Poetry

There are more than 1,000 poems at this site.
Always remember to check out our SITE MAP
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Thanks for reading our friend poems! These friendship poems are free for use on personal greeting cards, provided that the author's name (Joanna Fuchs or Karl Fuchs) and our Web site address,, appear beneath the poem. (It can be small print; just so it's readable.) All other uses require permission. See our Terms of Use for details.

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