Radon-226 Decays to Radon-222 and What Type of Radioactivity?

Belongings Rights Foundation of America ®
Founded 1994

Radioactive decay in Cigarette Fume
For a person smoking ane½ packs of cigarettes a twenty-four hours, the annual radiation dose to the surface bronchial cells at bifurcations is the equivalent dose to the peel from taking 300 chest Ten-rays per year.

Radiation from tobacco smoke is ane of the prime number factors in causing lung cancer. The cancer usually begins at the bronchial branches called bifurcations past particles which collect and from hot spots with high radiation levels.

The smoker receives this blazon of radiations (called Blastoff Radiation), from Tobacco smoke from the following sources:

  1. Radioactive Polonium-214 in mainstream smoke and particles.
  2. Radioactive Polonium-210 that "grows up" into radioactive Lead-210-enriched particles.

In addition, smokers and non-smokers alike are exposed to blastoff radiation from diverse radioactive disuse products of the soil (mainly from phosphate fertilizers), the air, and natural indoor radon.

The cumulative alpha particle dose at the bifurcations of the lungs of smokers who die of lung cancer is 1600 rems, enough to cause cancer of nearby cells.

Radium-226 (Uranium-238) decay series with half-lives


For over xx years scientists accept known that all types of tobacco contain radioactive Polonium-210 which emits alpha particles and radioactive Lead-210 which emits Beta particles and is a forerunner of Polonium-210. But but recently has there been a degree of consensus nigh how tobacco becomes radioactive.

All soils contain radium, a radioactive element that decays into Pb-210 and Polonium-210. In addition, phosphate ore used to brand fertilizers used on tobacco fields contains these isotopes in relatively high concentrations. While tobacco plants can blot Lead-210 and Polonium-210 through their roots, relatively fiddling enters this way.

Instead, radiations mainly enters tobacco through the leaves, which are coated with tiny hairs called trichomes, whose tips are coated with a gummy substance which collects dust. This airborne radioactive dust collects on the trichome tips, or heads, in concentrations of radioisotopes x,000 times that of the overall leafage. almost all the radioactivity of tobacco comes from this air deposition process.


The soil and phosphate fertilizers are the source of the radioactive isotopes. When Radium-226, a component of soil and fertilizer, decays, it gives rise to Radon-222, a gas that escapes to the air. This radon decays into its daughters, (the scientific term for radioactivity products of the original parent radon). These radon daughters have high electric charges that brand them adhere to dust particles. These dust particles, with the radon daughters fastened, stick to the tips or heads of the hairs of tobacco leaves. During processing; the radiation is not removed from the tobacco.

Radioactivity in Phosphate Fertilizer Migration to Tobacco


Even in healthy lungs, the bifurcations where the bronchi branch are an obstacle to the clearing of mucus from the lungs. In a smoker's lungs, ciliary action to clear the lungs is reduced to almost half of normal. (The cilia are the microscopic hair-like structures upon which mucus 'rides' in this process).

The boilerplate length of fourth dimension during which the insoluble forms of Lead-210 and Polonium-210 remain at the bronchial bifurcations of smokers is 3 to 5 months. Coincidentally, the surface tissue of smokers' bronchi at the bifurcations is replaced by damaged, abnormal (metaplastic) tissue.

The alpha radiations emitted by Polonium-210 is ordinarily a non-penetrating class of radiation, one with a brusk path, but it is a very highly ionizing (harmful to basic cell structure) grade of radiations and is full-bodied at the damaged surface tissues of the lung bifurcations. Scientists have measured this alpha radiation at the bifurcations of smoker's lungs and calculated that it can do every bit much harm to these tissues as 300 chest X-rays per yr would practice to the skin of a person being X-rayed.

Whether radiation, chemicals or physical factors associated with smoking cause the damaged, abnormal (metaplastic) tissue plant in all smokers' lungs is not clear.

However, the fact that these loftier doses of radiation are delivered to vulnerable tissue at the location where malignancy is most ofttimes observed argues strongly for alpha radiation playing the nigh of import role in causing lung cancer.


Radium-226 is found in all soils, and is a significant source of radiations where concentrations are high. From the soil it decays to Radon-222, a gas that enters the surface air. The same radioactivity diagram applies to this process of decay from natural indoor radon daughters. Radon enters buildings through construction materials or h2o service and levels can exist high enough to require remedial action.

When at that place is little dust, the radon daughters mainly become attached to room surfaces, only when cigarette smoke is present, the radon daughters attach to smoke particles. Thus, the alpha radiations to a smoker'due south lungs from the natural radon daughters is increased considering of smoking.


Radiations may play a role in the consecration of cancer in passive smokers every bit well. In a historic 14-year report of 91,540 women in Japan, Hirayama demonstrated the direct ration between the amount of smoking in the household and the incidence of lung cancer among non-smoking wives of smokers. Other studies take likewise indicated that passive smoke may cause lung cancer.

The passive smoker is exposed to the aforementioned radioactive isotopes in the tobacco as the smoker. Moreover, the sidestream smoke contains 50 to 70 pct of the Polonium-210. In add-on, the exposure of the passive smoker to naturally occurring radon daughters is increased in a smoky surround. Radon daughter exposure may account for twenty to 100 percent of lung cancer in non-smokers. There has been no autopsy study of radioactive isotope levels in non-smokers specifically to decide the upshot of passive smoking, although medical scientists have establish that there were loftier radioactive isotope levels in non-smoking individuals who died of lung cancer.


The soluble radioactive Polonium-210 that is produced at the called-for temperature of cigarettes is cleared from the lungs at the expense of the balance of the torso. It is carried by the circulation to every tissue and cell, causing early on death from a body-broad spectrum of diseases reminiscent of the patterns afflicting early radiologists and others with long-term exposure to X-rays and other forms of radiation. Polonium-210 and other mutagens have been constitute in the blood and urine of smokers.

The number of deaths from cancer of all indirectly exposed tissues such equally the breadbasket, intestines, and so on are 38 percent higher among smokers than amid non-smokers, and the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases are 58 percent higher among smokers than non-smokers.

The nautical chart lists the ratio of observed death rate among smokers to the death rate among non-smokers.

Crusade of expiry Observed/Expected Ratio
All causes 1.73
Emphysema 14.83
Cancer of straight exposed tissues (Mouth, throat, larynx, lung & bronchus, esophagus) 10.34
Cancer of indirectly exposed tissues (Stomach, intestines, rectum, liver & biliary passages, pancreas, prostate, kidney, bladder, brain, cancerous lymphomas, leukemias, all other cancers) ane.38
All cardiovascular diseases (coronary eye disease, aortic aneurysm, cor pulmonale, all other cardiovascular) ane.58
Ulcer of stomach, small-scale intestines 3.10
Cirrhosis of liver two.69

The numbers in the right-hand cavalcade show the ratio of deaths amid smokers to that among non-smokers. A reading of "i.73" means a 73 percent increase in death among smokers. A reading of "14.83" means that the death rate among smokers is xiv.83 times that amidst non-smokers or a one,383 percent increase in death rate.

Appreciation is extended to: *VCH Publishers, Deerfield Embankment, Florida and the authors, Drs. Thomas Winters and Joseph Di Franza, University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, for their permission to apply cloth from LUNG CANCER CAUSES AND PREVENTION, (Ed. Mizell and Correa, 1984), for much of the content of this publication.

*For the Department, "Effects of Smoking throughout the Torso," nosotros are indebted to material published by Dr. R.T. Ravenholt, Center for Affliction Command, (Washington office) in the New England Journal of Medicine (307/5, p.312).

This information was compiled by Carol W. LaGrasse, P.Due east., a member of the Adirondack Branch Advisory Quango, American Lung Association of New York State, in the involvement of more fully informing the public and especially smokers of the presence of radioactivity in cigarette smoke. It is hoped that this will become even so some other contributing factor to help them in quitting.

By Carol W. LaGrasse, P.E., fellow member Adirondack Co-operative Advisory Quango of the American Lung Association of N.Y. State 1986.

Originally presented by the American Lung Association of New York State.

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Source: https://prfamerica.org/1995/RadioactivityInCigaretteSmoke.html

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